The love of my Life

The love of my Life
The Shade of my Heart <3

Monday, September 10, 2012

Little Moments are BIG Memories!!

  Well, I see that it's been over a year since I last wrote.  I kick myself now, because I see that there are so many things and precious events that I should have been recording.  In the midst of this last year, so much has change, and every day I would tell myself that I would remember it all and find the time to write it down.  I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging, or journaling...or I like to think of it.  This is for me.  This is for my kids.  I don't want to forget any events or emotions.  I want to go back and see the paths we took and feel the emotions again.
  Before writing this, I read my last post, back in August of last year, and I teared up immediately and had my throat tighten up.  Those feelings were right back tearing at my heart, just like they did a year ago.  It showed me all the more reason why I need to keep remember life as I journey through it.  For now, I don't have the desire to have updates since last year.  So much has happened I couldn't possibly remember it all, or convey it accurately.
I love Cheyenne's gentleness and love towards all people, and all things! <3  This picture so accurately shows her loving personality.
  So Here I will start.  I will start with today, with the last week or so.  I'm jumping in with both feet!! :)

  For 6 1/2 years, I have known that I have something special in my life.  Something so huge and so blessed, that I really feel God tugging at my heart to share my blessing with every one.  There are days when I want to keep things to myself and enjoy the Blessing only for me, but I know I can't contain her, and that hopefully more people will be blessed as I share her life and her Stories.  May we ALL see the beauty of Christ in her life, and strive to be more like her...more like Christ.
   Most of you already know who I'm talking about.  Cheyenne.  My beautiful, blessing named Cheyenne.  The Lord blessed me more than I could ever express by allowing me to care for this special child here on earth.  There is so much I could say about this special girl, I could go on for days!  I'll try not to flood this blog post :)
  Cheyenne started Kindergarten a couple weeks.  This has already made my heart swell with pride for my little girl.  She is accomplishing so much!  She has her own aid that is with her, but she certainly doesn't always need her help.  So far, Cheyenne is really keeping up and completing all the work and tasks.
  This morning, I experienced a precious moment with her.  I woke her up at the usual time, 7:20am, and we went through our routine to get ready for school.  She will sit and eat, while I fix her hair and put on her shoes.  
When it all started 6 1/2 years ago!
  We walked to the end of our driveway to wait for the bus.  It was a cool morning, and we were both wearing light jackets.  The bus had not come yet, and Cheyenne put her hood on and snuggled close to my legs to stay warm.  I decided to sit on the ground and have her sit on my lap so I could talk to her and keep her as warm as possible.   
  I took advantage of our few minutes together, alone, and we sang "Jesus Loves Me", and "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow."  We also recited her Bible verses that she needed to know for school.  "Let your Light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."  Matthew 5:16.  "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."  Psalm 119:105.  
  I was amazed at how many of the words Cheyenne knew!  She sang most of the songs by herself, and only needed a little help with the verses.  I was so proud of her!!  It was so rewarding to hear my child recite such beautiful words, words that are so important for a strong Foundation in the Lord!  
  My heart was warmed and overflowing, and I could have stayed in that moment for hours!  Cheyenne is not as quick or as smart as other kids her age, but she is teaching me what is important.  Christ is important!  Christ needs to be first in our lives, and we need to opening and proudly sing His praises!  
  I will treasure that moment!  As I watched her climb up the big bus steps and I turned to walk back to the house, I once again thanked God for blessing me with this child...for entrusting me to care for her and lead he in the truth.  What a humbling calling...and with every step, I have been richly blessed!
  Maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is to me.  Cheyenne teaches me to treasure the little moments and to celebrate the small accomplishments. :)
Cheyenne at 15 months